“It is so challenging to be still, and yet a quiet mind is essential to any kind of real creative growth. There is a loud frantic quality to our busy minds that masks the subtlety of the information that wants to come through. Spending time in silence is a deeply creative thing to do as it allows wholeness to speak instead …
When in doubt…. move
Today, I want to invite you to keep moving – no matter what. We’ve always been told about the importance of ‘exercise’ to stay healthy. To be honest, I really don’t like that word. I prefer to use the word ‘movement’ because that implies that it’s a natural thing we do all day without having to think about it. From …
The Energy of Play: Why It’s Important for Serious People
Play is often relegated to the realm of children, or to silliness and ‘fooling around’ – or to theater ‘plays’. But the essence of play is a necessary component to living a healthy, balanced adult life, and since I know I’m a very serious person, and I take life very seriously, I have to convince my brain that I am …
Exercises for Your Nervous System Health
In these uncertain times, we need to practice ‘exquisite self-care’ more than ever. In my previous blog, I wrote about the nervous system and how important it is for our immune system to keep calm. It’s not easy to think ourselves calm. We need to exercise the ‘be calm’ muscle so that we can embody what it feels like to …
Don’t Let Fear Take You Down – Somatic Tips to Help You Stay Calm
“The opposite of fear is love”, according to the Course In Miracles, and if we can keep our energy and minds focused on the love, whilst at the same time, acknowledging the fear as energy in motion, and letting it run through us to transmute into positive energy, we will rise from this experience transformed, like the phoenix rising from …
We made our first video for your nervous system!
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts WE are plunging in to join the dance …. We spontaneously recorded our first video yesterday, as Sonia arrived for a massage. It turned out to be quite a low resolution video, but we had so much …
How Do You Take Care of Your Nervous System?
In the spirit of aloha and sharing, and community (ohana), I asked clients and colleagues and friends to share how they take care of their nervous systems. Emily shared this: One of my favorites is a little game that I like to play either by myself, with my 9 year old, and even with my husband, called “how do I …
Keep Calm And Boost Your Immunity
Are you concerned about the panic over coronavirus? Keep calm, get perspective and don’t panic. Panic is fear, and fear decreases healthy flow in your body, and depletes your body’s immune system. Instead, see this as an opportunity to practice ‘exquisite self-care’. Over the next while, I’ll be sending you some tips on how to take care of your nervous …
Kahuna Massage Gives a Sense of Renewal To Body, Mind and Spirit
Aloha! I recently came across this article and YouTube Video which explains so beautifully the renewal that Kahuna Massage can bring… I thought I would share it with you. Zorica Zest is a Kahuna Massage Therapist and Psychosomatic Therapist in Australia, where my teacher learned this ancient Hawaiian healing art. “I was asked: WHAT IS KAHUNA MASSAGE THERAPY? I would …
Matters of the Heart
In this month of love, here is a beautiful invitation to go deep into our hearts to release the pain of loss, from my Kahuna Teacher in South Africa, Anthea Hardwick. She has experienced deep personal loss in her own life, and knows the journey back to wholeness is not to run from the pain, but to go through it, …