Immune Health Kahuna Bodywork Kahuna Massage mindfulness and stress Mindfulness and the body Retreat and Restore

Don’t Let Fear Take You Down – Somatic Tips to Help You Stay Calm

“The opposite of fear is love”, according to the Course In Miracles, and if we can keep our energy and minds focused on the love, whilst at the same time, acknowledging the fear as energy in motion, and letting it run through us to transmute into positive energy, we will rise from this experience transformed, like the phoenix rising from …

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Kahuna Bodywork Kahuna Massage Retreat and Restore

Kahuna Massage Gives a Sense of Renewal To Body, Mind and Spirit

Aloha! I recently came across this article and YouTube Video which explains so beautifully the renewal that Kahuna Massage can bring… I thought I would share it with you.  Zorica Zest is a Kahuna Massage Therapist and Psychosomatic Therapist in Australia, where my teacher learned this ancient Hawaiian healing art. “I was asked: WHAT IS KAHUNA MASSAGE THERAPY? I would …

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Hawaii mindful living Retreat and Restore

A Magical Hawaii Retreat 2020

I visited Hawaii with the Aloha Life Centre from South Africa in 2017. It was an incredible trip. Read about my experience here…. I highly recommend joining Anthea Hardwick and the students from Aloha Life for this experience. It will be magical! Join Anthea Hardwick and Nicole Antonie from Aloha Life (South Africa) for an unforgettable and transformational time on …

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