My Story

I describe my work, and life in general, as finding ways to live life with more love, intention, authenticity, sacredness, creativity and flow.
And when I find ways that work for me, I love to share them with others.

I have learned that connecting to our bodies is the MOST healing thing we can do for ourselves. There is much wisdom to be found there. We just have to find ways to tune in and listen.

As a child, I was always happiest with a crayon or paintbrush in my hand, or dancing.
As a young adult, all these experiences that brought me joy, lost their sparkle when they become performance and achievement oriented.  I disconnected from my body, and started living from my head, not my heart.

So, I know all about burnout  –  I spent 20 years of my early adult life disconnected from my body, studying Fine Art and working myself to burnout in theater, graphic design and TV production in Johannesburg, South Africa.

I know about anxiety and depression – being an anxious, driven, A-Type personality I had to find tools and modalities to help me manage my life and stresses, and my tendencies to ‘overdo’.
I know about the stresses of parenthood, sick children, the loss of a parent, financial worries and the ending of a marriage.
I know about the rawness of hitting rock bottom and needing to make a change – at age 38, I resigned from my job,  reconnected with my body through mind-body Nia dance, Specialized Kinesiology and Kahuna Bodywork (Temple Style Lomi).

I know about taking leaps of faith into the unknown, guided by wild intuitive impulses that lead you to a new way of being.

Everything changed when I reconnected to my body and listened to the whispers of my soul.


I believe in living from the inside, out.

I do my best to let my body and my heart guide my choices.

I have created a life where my work is my play and my play is my work and life seems to flow (usually) pretty smoothly, and I am surrounded by love and nature.

I have learned to ride the waves of ups and downs and accept them as part of being human, part of being truly alive.

I choose to dance through life in a state of flow, with my body, my creativity and the spirit of aloha as my allies.

Painting, creating, dancing, yoga, walking in forests, sitting at a lake, and receiving some form of healing bodywork weekly keep me tuned into my body, to hear my soul’s whisperings, so that I can navigate life from the inside-out.

I love connecting with my husband, daughters, family and friends. I love meeting new people. I love sharing ideas on how to make life more sacred, more soulful, creative and filled with aloha. And how doing this can have a ripple effect to spread more aloha into the world.

It is a privilege and an honor to journey with others, to help them reconnect to their innate creativity, and watch them dance through their lives with a deep connection to their true nature, authentically living from the inside,out, flowing through life.

We’re all on this journey together. Let’s make it authentic, soulful, creative, sacred and filled with aloha.

I am now licensed to practice massage in Washington State, USA.

Read about my healing journey with Kahuna Bodywork (Temple Style Lomi) here.

Brenda with other Kahuna Therapists in Hawaii at Volcanoes National Park – 2017