Immune Health Kahuna Bodywork mindful living mindfulness and stress Mindfulness and the body

Keep Calm And Boost Your Immunity

Are you concerned about the panic over coronavirus?  Keep calm, get perspective and don’t panic. Panic is fear, and fear decreases healthy flow in your body, and depletes your body’s immune system. Instead, see this as an opportunity to practice ‘exquisite self-care’.

Over the next while, I’ll be sending you some tips on how to take care of your nervous system and boost your immune system with somatic practices that I use myself. (And I’ll be creating videos of conversations and meditations with Sonia Weirich of One To One Yoga, and other wellness experts to help keep us calm. Watch the introductory video here.)

It is important to be sensible about taking precautions like you would for flu season, and it is just as important to take care of your nervous system.

My work entails 100% hands-on, close contact with people!  So I have to put into practice what I teach.

As a healthcare professional, I know that falling into the fear trap will deplete my immunity. I need to stay strong on the inside.

Below is a picture of a great summary of how the stress response and the relaxation response affect our bodies – and what affects our bodies, affects our lives. 

One thing they know about the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is that it affects the lungs. 

Take note in particular of the effect that the sympathetic response (the fear state) has on our breathing. WE NEED TO BREATHE DEEPLY TO KEEP OUR LUNGS HEALTHY!

Also, note that in the parasympathetic state (the calm state), bloodflow is increased to the gut, the brain and the LUNGS. 

When the nervous system goes into a state of fear (the stress or sympathetic response), everything else stops flowing and functioning properly. Our breath gets shallow and all our bodily functions go into flight, fright or freeze mode, so that we can deal with whatever it is that is causing the stress. Nothing on the inside, including our digestion and brain, can function properly and the general internal flow slows down. This is not a good state to be in for long periods of time. It is a state that is designed for short periods of time to run from hypothetical tigers. But we all know that we live in a constant state of fear generally, and now, with the COVID-19 panic added to our daily stress….  imagine what is happening to our nervous systems.

We have to learn to get ourselves into the parasympathetic state (the relaxation response) on a regular basis (like every night before we sleep) so that our bodies can properly rest, digest, heal and remain healthy and in a state of flow.

So right now, I am increasing my ‘exquisite self care protocol’ with practices to calm my nervous system (put it into the parasympathetic state where everything functions well) and focus on building a strong immune system.

There are the obvious things to do to keep healthy, like washing your hands, getting outside into nature, eating warm, nourishing food and lots of veggies, a little fruit, less sugar, taking some immune boosting supplements and getting enough sleep and real rest. ( And, if you are immune- compromised, avoid public spaces.)

My Exquisite Self -Care Protocol For the Nervous System also includes:

Not reading anymore about the virus if possible. (or read Dr Lissa Rankin’s article to understand the mechanics of panicking and to become more resilient to change here.)  Then moving on…..

Breath-Centered Yoga and healing meditation with Sonia Weirich of One to One Yoga at Cedar Sanctuary(Take a virtual online class this Thursday 3/11 – see details below.)

Dabbing Vibrant Blue Oils’ Parasympathetic Oil  or any essential oil for calming, on my vagus nerve, beneath the mastoid bone just behind the ear. 

Dabbing same on clients’ vagus nerve at the end of a Kahuna massage session (then I get an extra whiff of it too.)

Receiving regular massage and bodywork that is gentle and therapeutic. Last week I received craniosacral therapy. 

Keeping in touch with loved ones.  Connection is important for oxytocin production, which improves immunity. Loneliness and isolation are not good for us.

Morning Mantras to myself that build my inner mental and emotional strength.

Strengthening postures and exercises that open my heart and connect me to the earth – that is anything that strengthens my core: the muscles between my shoulder blades, my back, my glutes, my legs, my feet.

Paying attention to my breath. “Am I breathing? Oh, yes, a little. How can I deepen my breath and make my diaphragm move?”

Paying attention to my thoughts – thoughts are real forces.

Dancing. Anywhere. It makes me happy. To music that is uplifting.

Painting. I do SoulPainting – free flowing, intuitive playing with paint.

Seeing the lighter side of life, laughing and seeking out my version of ‘fun’.

What do you do to help keep your nervous system calm?
Let me know in the comments below.


I’ll be having video conversations with Sonia Weirich of One To One Yoga in the coming weeks, with tips and meditations for your nervous system, to help you boost your immune system.

We’ll be answering your questions and getting information from other experts too.
Stay in Flow.
Stay Tuned.
Stay in Touch – Subscribe to receive the videos.


🌺PS: I am continuing to work, after washing my hands thoroughly. 😃

Comments below are welcome. I’d love to learn other tools for nervous system health.

warm aloha blessings