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Don’t Let Fear Take You Down – Somatic Tips to Help You Stay Calm

“The opposite of fear is love”, according to the Course In Miracles, and if we can keep our energy and minds focused on the love, whilst at the same time, acknowledging the fear as energy in motion, and letting it run through us to transmute into positive energy, we will rise from this experience transformed, like the phoenix rising from the ashes. (And we will have stronger, more resilient immune systems.)

Is the fear and stress rising in you?  Or are you able to maintain a level of calm and flow?

There is lots to explore on this subject, but for now I want to let you know that fear can take you down.

I have my own experience of this, which I share in the videos.  While it is important not to focus on fear, it is at the same time, necessary to acknowledge it, face it, and transmute it on an energetic level. (Want to know more? Keep watching the In Flow Project videos – we’ll get deeper into this in videos to come, and I interview other teachers and people who have inspired me over the years with somatic practices that work.)

In the meantime, the latest video – ‘Don’t Let Fear Take You Down (Part1 ) is ready for you to watch now on the “In Flow Project” YouTube channel.  The video includes a simple, short meditation that you can do any time to move overwhelming emotions through your body, and come to a place of calm.

Watch “Don’t Let Fear Take You Down Part 1