Going for a massage is a good start to loving yourself, but how you think about yourself will have a greater impact on your life, your energy and your world.
The Hawaiian Dream and How Fire Can Create Positive Change
Seeing the point where hot lava from the volcano meets the ocean was the highlight of the whole trip – seeing new earth being formed in front of our eyes. It was a potent moment to witness all four elements present in one place like this – fire and water creating earth, and letting off steam (air)
The potency was in noticing that at the point where the two contrasting energies of fire and water meet in the ocean, an alchemy happens and there is magic. Something new is formed. New land. New territory. New terra firma. It changes the shape of the existing island and creates more land.
No matter what you experience on your travels, there is no doubt that when you travel, you come back changed. Even paradise has its challenges – and its gifts.
Have you lost your spark? What do you need to let go of to regain it?
Aloha, dear Friends The smell of Spring is in the air! Have your got a whiff of the scent of Jasmine? And have you noticed the longer evenings and lighter mornings? A sense of relief washes over me when I realise that winter is almost over and we will have warmer days again. I have certainly been hibernating this winter, as one needs to do in order to …
What People Say About SoulPainting
Soulpainting is an opportunity to ignite your creative spark and learn about your self. Come home to your body, come home to your soul, through the process of intuitive painting.
10 Ways to Love
“At the end of life, our questions are very simple: Did I live fully?Did I love well?” ~ Jack Kornfield Nicole Antonie, my friend and the owner of Soylites, sent this lovely piece about 10 Ways to Love, and I wanted to share it with you. If we could all love like this, imagine how different the world would be. …
A Quick Stress Reliever to Get Back to the Joy of Christmas
Dear Friends It’s that time of the year! The Christmas cards say we must be jolly and peace-filled and joyful and giving. But in our real world, whether you are having a huge family gathering, or a quiet stay at home lunch for two, and whether you celebrate at all, Christmas time seems to bring with it a whole …
Depression … repressed creativity
Dear Friends, I recently came across this article. Having suffered with depression and anxiety for most of my life, it rings true for me. Discovering ways to tap into, express, and share my creativity has given me a new lease on life. It makes so much sense…. when we stop being creative, we stop the flow of life through our …