Dear Friends
Have you ever felt that you are being weighed down by a large backpack on your back containing all your “stuff” (and perhaps everyone elses’) from over the years? Have you ever felt that you would do anything to get rid of that stuff and let it go? Have you tried talking it away, thinking it away, journalling it away, or escaping from it using various ways? And yet, its still there? This was my experience. For thirty years I had that and tried all the ways to let it go.
Eventually, I really was able to let go when I surrendered to the balancing of masculine and feminine energy within myself. Having a massage from two people at the same time ( one woman and one man) changed my relationship with myself, my body, my world.
BUT WHAT IS MASCULINE AND FEMININE ENERGY?, you may ask. You’ve heard about Yin and Yang I am sure. The Yin/Yang symbol represents masculine and feminine energy in the world, and how we need both of these parts of us to be balanced in order to function as whole human beings.. So even if we are born female, we all have male energy in us. And if we are born male, we have feminine energy in us. The Yang represents the Masculine energy in us and in the world. This is the energy that gives us discipline, focus, precision. It can move us forward in a very direct way towards what we want to achieve. It can help us to find solutions and make decisions with confidence and certainty. It is a strong and focussed energy that provides us all with the ability to make things happen, to take action in a positive and direct way. The Yin represents the Feminine energy. This is flowing, succulent and allowing. It is the energy that allows us to soften and trust, to get in touch with our emotions, and our intuition, it is the energy that connects us more to our heart centre and lets us “go with the flow” in life, finding results and achieving things from a place of soft strength that opens us up to receive more. Yang (masculine) is about giving and doing, while Yin (feminine) is about allowing and receiving. Both aspects of ourselves are necessary to feel whole, and I’m sure you have experienced being out of balance in one or both areas in your life. Take some time to think about when you have felt inert and directionless, uncertain or stuck, or very emotionally wobbly. This is when you were lacking a connection to your masculine side. Think about when you may have been driving yourself hard, doing too much, not taking time for yourself, been short and angry with your loved ones, or forcing a result that you wanted from yourself, another or a situation.. this is when you were not connecting to your feminine side. Can you see how we need both, to feel safe, content and loving in the world? And how balancing these aspects of ourselves can bring about a whole new and more balanced way of relating to ourselves, others and the world?
Take EXQUISITE care of yourself as we move rapidly towards the end of the year.
with love and Aloha,