
How Do You Take Care of Your Nervous System?

In the spirit of aloha and sharing, and community (ohana), I asked clients and colleagues and friends to share how they take care of their nervous systems.

Emily shared this:

One of my favorites is a little game that I like to play either by myself, with my 9 year old, and even with my husband, called “how do I know I’m safe?” It sounds silly, but biologically it’s engaging our eyeballs to move around, scanning our environment for clues as to whether there are physical threats present, and this eye movement is tied with the vagus nerve and deactivation of the nervous system. I also find it helps with introducing a sense of curiosity, helpful for balancing fear, as well as cultivating gratitude as we inevitably name things like our strong house, having running water, good food, loving family, etc. I feel more connected with with nature as I envision small animals like rabbits and even deer pausing to reflect on the same question, how do i know I’m safe, while nibbling leaves or drinking from a stream. And while out walking, I listen for birds as they are the communication network of the forest.

Thanks, Emily.

What tools do you use to calm your nervous system?

Add it to the comments below.

Stay Calm.
Stay Well.
Stay in Flow.
Stay in Touch.

Aloha blessings,
