Kahuna Massage mindful living

Have you lost your spark? What do you need to let go of to regain it?


Aloha, dear Friends

The smell of Spring is in the air!  Have your got a whiff of the scent of Jasmine?  And have you noticed the longer evenings and lighter mornings?  A sense of relief washes over me when I realise that winter is almost over and we will have warmer days again.

I have certainly been hibernating this winter, as one needs to do in order to revitalise one’s strength for the oncoming heightened activities at the end of the year.

How have you been this winter?  I have come across many people who have felt like they are in a slump… and I have been there too.

In many shamanic societies , if you came to a shaman or medicine person complaining of being disheartened , dispirited , or depressed, they would ask one of four questions:

When did you stop dancing? 

When did you stop singing? 

When did you stop being enchanted by stories? 

When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?

I find these questions delightful to consider so that my soul can sing again, and I can feel the vitality of life run through me.

I’ve spent the winter letting go of big dreams and it’s been a dark time for me, but remembering the freedom that comes with letting go, I have persevered and I now feel myself coming out the other side as spring emerges. I”m sure you’ve been through something like this in your life? At the end of my email is a wonderful article by Stewart Blackburn, that describes the importance of letting go so well.   Enjoy it.

And here are some ways you can find your singing, dancing, sweet self again as we enter into the new life of Spring:


 … an experience that will assist you in letting go of tension, and unwanted energy, and awaken your whole being to new life……

KaHuna massage is an alternative healing modality that originates in Hawaii. It has its roots in the ancient Hawaiian view of the world and is sometimes referred to as temple-style lomi.

The usual treatment used in Kahuna massage is a 90 minute full-body massage using oil. The therapist uses long flowing strokes to work into all the muscles. The treatment is very energising and the therapist uses the fire and the water elements to transmute any blocked energy in the client’s body. The fire element, which is the warmth generated by the dance like movements in the massage improves circulation, drains lymph nodes, deeply relaxes the client and can lead to profound states of meditation. The water element which is embodied in the flowing strokes is emotionally healing for the client.

There are also other specialised KaHuna treatments besides the full-body massage discussed above. One of these is the KaHuna Pregnancy massage which eases the client’s aching body during pregnancy and incorporates a visualisation technique for deepening the bond between mother and baby. Another specialised treatment is KaHuna floor work which makes use of stretching. The slow stretches embody the use of the earth element which is very grounding and comforting for the client.

Another technique which makes use of the earth element is deep-tissue release work which helps to ease deep-seated tension in the muscles. Deep-tissue release work can easily be incorporated into a full-body massage and is very a effective method for treating clients who feel they are stuck in life and want to have a break-through experience. KaHuna skeletal work, which involves work on the skeleton, embodies the air element and induces deep states of relaxation and helps clients to lighten up. Skeletal work can also be incorporated into full-body massages.


Cedar Sanctuary in Sammamish, where I offer Kahuna Bodywork, is a beautiful tranquil space, lovingly created by Susan Creighton, where there are progams and events on offer that will give you rest from the chaos, and ignite your spark. Visit Cedar Sanctuary’s website to find out more.

I invite you to come home to your body, come home to your soul. Meet yourself through you body.

I look forward to journeying with you.

