“It is so challenging to be still, and yet a quiet mind is essential to any kind of real creative growth. There is a loud frantic quality to our busy minds that masks the subtlety of the information that wants to come through. Spending time in silence is a deeply creative thing to do as it allows wholeness to speak instead …
The Energy of Play: Why It’s Important for Serious People
Play is often relegated to the realm of children, or to silliness and ‘fooling around’ – or to theater ‘plays’. But the essence of play is a necessary component to living a healthy, balanced adult life, and since I know I’m a very serious person, and I take life very seriously, I have to convince my brain that I am …
Exercises for Your Nervous System Health
In these uncertain times, we need to practice ‘exquisite self-care’ more than ever. In my previous blog, I wrote about the nervous system and how important it is for our immune system to keep calm. It’s not easy to think ourselves calm. We need to exercise the ‘be calm’ muscle so that we can embody what it feels like to …
How Do You Take Care of Your Nervous System?
In the spirit of aloha and sharing, and community (ohana), I asked clients and colleagues and friends to share how they take care of their nervous systems. Emily shared this: One of my favorites is a little game that I like to play either by myself, with my 9 year old, and even with my husband, called “how do I …
You need to take extra special exquisite care of yourself right now
Dear Friends In this time of change and economic strain, it is imperative to take extra special care of your body, your mind, and your spirit. To move through life with ease and grace is definitely our right and our privilege. And it is possible, no matter what is going on in your life. But few of us are able …
What do you do in Winter to keep the flow going in your body?
Dear Friends “Where there is flow, there is energy, movement and health”. How do you go with the flow during winter? I asked someone recently what was exciting in her life at the moment. She had a wonderful reply. She said she was feeling deeply ‘hibernative’ right now. She had a break from work, and she was resting and taking …
How do you want to feel this year?
Dear Friends I trust you are well and moving with grace into the new year. May it be magical and filled with wonder. Just to let you know I’m stepping back into my heart’s space…. I’m fully operational again at Manawa Magic Cottage – after a year of fulltime working in another world – the world of TV production. Many good lessons were learnt in …
The Power of Now
Dear Friends Are you exhausted from doing, forcing, trying, ‘getting things done”.? What if you were to stop “forcing’ life, and surrendered all that energy into being present and just ‘allowing”? Aaaah. Doesnt’ the idea of that make you feel a bit more relaxed? Learning to be present, in the moment, in the now, is a gift that has many rewards. …
Benjamin Button
“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see …